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Harbor Patrol

Since the 1870s, the Harbor Patrol has been enforcing maritime law and keeping people safe on Seattle’s very active waters.  During the 1960s, the Patrol became part of the Seattle Police Department and found a new home on Lake Union.

Story of the Seattle Harbor Patrol with Sgt. Kevin Haistings  (8:36)


Harbor Patrol Boat, Museum of History & Industry, 1986.5.9112

Diver with Patrol Boat off Mercer Island, 1937, Seattle P-I Staff Photographer, Museum of History & Industry PI24844

Coal Bunkers, Museum of History & Industry 2002.3.1643

Seattle Waterfront, 1873, Peterson Bros. ph., courtesy of Pauldorpat.com

Birds Eye View of Seattle, 1884, Burr, University of Washington Special Collections Division

Port Warden’s Annual Report, 1923, Seattle Public Library

Washington Street Dock, 1921, Seattle Municipal Archives

Port Warden’s Annual Report, 1931, Seattle Public Library

Depot & Dock Patrol Officers, History of the Seattle Police Department, 1923, Seattle Public Library

Port Warden’s Annual Report, 1912, Seattle Public Library

Port Warden Who Goes East, Seattle Daily Time, Friday  Evening, Jan. 2, 1914

Patrol Boat #2, Port Warden’s Annual Report, 1929, Seattle Public Library

Row of Seattle Police Officers, Seattle Metropolitan Police Museum

Mounted Seattle Police Officers, Seattle Metropolitan Police Museum

Wireless Operator at the Harbor, Webster & Stevens,1921, Museum of History & Industry 1983.10.2280.3

Washington Street Dock with Patrol Boats, 1921, Seattle Municipal Archives

East Waterway, 1915, Washington State Archives Port of Seattle Collection

Cars on Waterfront, Washington State Archives Port of Seattle Collection

Men Dumping Beer during Prohibition, Wikimedia Commons

Coast Guardsmen Search Hull of Rum Runner Alice, Coast Guard Museum Northwest

Policeman Pulling Trunk with Murder Victim’s Body, Webster & Stevens, 1921, Museum of History & Industry 1983.10.11004

Harbor Patrol Divers, 1960s, Seattle Police Dept. Archives

Grand Trunk Fire, 1914, Paul Dorpat.com

Fire Boat Alki, Seattle Municipal Archives

Fire Boat at Work, Seattle Police Dept. Archives

Seattle Harborman Chief’s Badge, Seattle Metropolitan Police Museum

Boat Fire, Seattle Police Harbor Patrol Collection

Boat Fire, Seattle Police Harbor Patrol Collection

Wharf Fire, Seattle Police Harbor Patrol Collection

Harbor Patrol Lake Union Station, 1960s, Seattle Police Dept. Archives

Air & Water Patrol Helicopter, Seattle Police Dept. Archives

Seattle Police Department Air One, Sheriff & Police Reporter, November-December, 1971

Air & Water Patrol Helicopter in the Air, Seattle Police Dept. Archives

This exhibit is partly funded by 4Culture Arts, Heritage & Preservation through the King County Lodging Tax

©2012 Vaun S. Raymond vaun@u.washington.edu


To learn more about Seattle Police Department history, visit the Seattle Metropolitan Police Museum